Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy VDay!!!!!

My Valentine's Day gift was my first sewing machine.
(Brother 60-Stich Computerized Sewing machine)
I'm super excited and can't wait to go pick it up:)
I already have fabric, yarn - all colors and flavors:)

In fact already has a name ... tita
tita will be my best friend
and who knows, I may end by creating a line of baby "Chambritas"

To be continued .....


  1. Que chido miñiñi!! ya quiero ver las cosas que haces!!
    Por cierto ya empeze tu dije, eh? no creas que se me olvido!! yo te aviso cuando este listo ;)

  2. :) yeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    gracias ivetita!!!!!!!!!
    nada me va a hacer mas feliz, que tener algo que hiciste tu!!!!!
